Modeling Steganographer and Steganalyst Strategies in Digital Images using Game Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Ivhk


Steganography is the science and art of hiding a message in images to secure the commercial or military information sent from one source to another. Comparative steganography methods for concealing the message pay special attention to the text of the image folders and hide the message by considering the conditions in the text of the clandestine image. The steganography and the steganalyst are also two opposing people, each of whom's strategy is determined by the other party's strategies. This is especially evident in comparative steganography. This article models and analyzes the strategies of two players from the perspective of game theory, considering a two-player game with a total of zero between a steganographer and an steganalyzer detective. In this game, Alice (steganographer) wants to hide a secret message of length k in a binary sequence (video folder) and Eve (steganalyzer) wants to determine if the secret message is in the images being transmitted in the channel. Is there a desired connection? In this model, without considering the limit for Eve's detection power, each player's Max Max strategies, along with the structural constraints necessary to balance the game, are presented, and at the end it is shown that the optimal strategy for Alice is a random adaptation strategy.
